When the block receives 32 bytes of data from the GPS shield, the Status port outputs 1, which in turn enables the $GPGGA_$GPRMC_Parser subsystem. The Serial Receive block is now configured to read raw NMEA sentences from the shield every 0.03 milliseconds. | | Any value greater than 0.03 seconds might result in data loss.ģ. Hence, specify Sample time as <= 0.03 seconds.
| | So, the time required to send 32 bytes of data is ~32 milliseconds. | | The time required to send one byte of serial data is 10/9600 seconds (~1 millisecond). | | This format corresponds to 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits (one byte), no parity, and one stop bit. Sample time | 0.03 | The serial data from the GPS shield follows 9600 8N1 format.
| Set this value to uint8 because the data in NMEA sentences are in ASCII characters.ĭata length | 32 | The number of bytes received in each time step.
Port number | 1 | The serial port on Arduino that is connected to the GPS shield.ĭata type | uint8 | The data type of data in NMEA sentence from the GPS shield.